5 Spring Lawn Care Tips For Green Grass

5 Spring Lawn Care Tips For Green Grass

Now that it’s officially spring, I’m already thinking about getting my yard in gear for summer. I have a lot of grass, and I love it when it looks nice and plush in June and July. So after some research, I found a few spring lawn care tips I thought I’d share that will help give your yard a jumpstart on green grass for the summer.

Spring Lawn Care Tip#1 – Clean Up Any Debris

In your quest for summer green grass, lush plants, and shrubs, it’s vital to clean up any winter debris covering them. Debris could damage them and not allow them to receive the proper sunlight and water to help them grow. This step helps your lawn reach maximum growing potential, but it also helps make your yard look good!

Spring Lawn Care Tip #2 – Rake Your Lawn

Raking your lawn helps achieve green grass in a couple of ways. For me, it serves as a heck of a workout, but it also helps create airflow through the blades of your grass. You’ll also remove any leaves and debris that might have fallen over the winter by raking. Raking will also help fire up your lawn’s root system. Deep roots are essential for our dry summers.

Spring Lawn Care Tip #3 – Mowing Your Lawn

March is also an excellent time to get that first mowing out of the way. Like raking, mowing will help your lawn’s root system get going. Mowing your lawn shorter in the spring will help reduce any weed growth and help your yard become rich and green this summer. The ultimate goal, right? You’ll want to remember to raise your blade for summer mowing, but shorter is okay this first time.

Spring Lawn Care Tip #4 – Get Loose by Aerating

When it comes to getting green grass in the summer, I found that aerating your lawn in the spring is a big deal, especially here. If you don’t have someone who does it regularly for you, they’ll be a company walking around The Meadows in a few weeks to offer this service. You can also rent a machine at Home Depot or Lowe’s. Aerating (poking holes in your yard) helps promote airflow in your grass, but it also helps loosen the soil so your lawn can absorb more moisture.

Spring Lawn Care Tip #5 – Fertilize Your Lawn

Your first fertilizer application to your lawn will help stimulate the root system and lead to lush green grass in the summer.

If you’re like me and love to look at your nice green grass in the summer, it’s best to follow these spring lawn care tips as early as possible. For more landscaping tips on mostly lawn care, visit the Colorado Arborist and Lawn Care Professionals website. Share your tips on The Meadows Facebook page.