Back To School Tips To Conquer The First Week

This is the week my kids have dreaded all summer, back to school. No matter the grade, it can be tough. They’re a bit nervous – entering a new grade, getting a new teacher, wondering if their friends are in the same class – it’s a lot of change. My middle son is entering middle school, which brings a whole different set of emotions and hormones. My wife and I have tried to set a schedule for the last week or so to help them adapt, but we were also researching things to do during the first week that can help them shed some anxiety. Here are three back to school tips other parents and experts have shared:

Tip 1. Battling Nerves

Your kids might have a few nerves heading back to school; mine certainly have some anxiety. One way to combat the butterflies is to remind your children that they’re not alone and many of their friends feel the same way. Talk to your kids about what’s bothering them and help them find reassurance in the things they do know and can count on.

Tip 2. Emphasize the Positive

Despite your child’s opinion, school is fun. Remind your kids that they’ll be seeing their friends again (some of which they may not have seen since school got out in May). It’s also a chance to meet new friends. Make going back even more exciting by giving them a chance to pick out some new school supplies like a backpack or their pencil box.

Tip 3. Carve out Time at Night to Talk

The beginning of school also means more running around for us parents too. However, carving out time with your kids to talk about their day, asking them specific questions, helps ease the tension. Schedule dinners without distraction or have conversations in the car without the radio or devices. These talks will help trigger positive memories from their day and get them excited about the days to come.

Every kid is different and your kids might handle the week without nerves. However, if they have a few butterflies try these back to school tips to help them have a successful first week of school. You can learn more about these ideas and find even more ideas about conquering the beginning of the school year here.

Photo by Oleksandr P: