Family Travel Tips

Traveling with the Family this Spring and Summer? These Tips will Help. 

With spring break just around the corner, and summer vacation will be here before you know it, it’s prime vacation planning season. It doesn’t matter if you’re taking a trip across the country or just heading to the mountains for a few days, traveling with the family brings a little extra anxiety and requires quite a bit of planning. So if you’re in the midst of your travel plans, here are a few family travel tips to help ease the stress. 

Have a Flexible Schedule 

As you probably know, everything takes a little more time when you have little ones in tow. So remember to allow for extra time at the airport, security and getting settled on the plane. Running through an airport with kids is not fun. If you’re driving somewhere, make sure that you allow time for extra stops for potty breaks and food. 

Avoid Overpacking

It’s always good to prepare for any situation, but when you’re traveling with kids, it’s better to pack less. Chances are you can easily pick up something that you might need. If you’re flying, overpacking might cost you a pretty penny, depending on the airline.

Pre-book Everything 

As you’re thinking about your vacation, pre-book reservations early in your trip – even before your trip if possible. That way you can have a plan while your kids are getting adjusted. Plus, if you’re driving, you’re not going to spend extra time searching for something everyone will like. 

Save on Meals 

Meals are one of your biggest expenses while on traveling as a family. Save a little cash by avoiding peak dinner times. Restaurants sometimes raise prices during dinner hours. Eat brunch or lunch. Plus, after a busy day, the kids might get a little fussy at dinner. If you’re in a real tourist hot spot, try expanding your horizons to restaurants that aren’t in the hotspots but relatively close.

Expect the Unexpected 

This family travel tip is basically remembering to pack the single-most essential item – your patience. Is it possible to have a vacation where something goes exactly as planned? No. Whether its weather, a kid not in the mood to do what you want, or a long line, there’s always something. So it’s easier to deal with it if you just expect it. Rather than ranting, you can say, “welp, we thought something would happen.” You’ll maybe laugh about the situation rather than be frustrated. 

So, keep these family travel tips in mind as you’re starting to think about your spring break and summer vacations. I hope they help and you enjoy your travels. I know we will.

Photo by Pixabay