Being Water Wiser Helps Save Money and Your Yard


Now that we’re in April and spring is officially here, it’s time to seriously think about your lawn and landscaping. May marks the beginning of our every-third-day watering schedule in The Meadows. 

It feels like it’s getting warmer and warmer every summer, and we’re getting less rain, which is never good if you want to have the prize green yard in the neighborhood. 

As you drive through The Meadows and other neighborhoods in Castle Rock, you’ll notice plenty of beautiful yards. How does this happen when it’s so dry? You’ll see a Water Wiser flier or sticker in windows if you look closely. When I first moved here, I was very curious. After speaking to a neighbor, they told me it was a water conservation designation and that if I took the workshop, I would be exempt from the town’s watering restrictions. What? Exempt? I can water whenever I want as long as it’s before 8 am or after 8 pm? I was intrigued. So I enrolled in the 3-hour workshop.

Less Water. Green Grass. Save Money.

I was fascinated with the class. It was very educational; within the first few minutes of the course, I learned that it’s possible to conserve water, keep my yard green, and save money on my water bill. 

A Workshop Well Worth The Time

Did you know that you could be wasting between 20 and 75 percent of your sprinkler water? 

Did you know that you could earn a rebate for using efficient sprinkler heads and control boxes?

Did you know it’s best to split your total station run time in half and run your system twice to allow for the water to soak into your yard?

You will learn how to save money and earn an exemption from the water restrictions.  

Because of this workshop, I use less water, my grass looks great, and I’m saving money. I highly recommend taking the Water Wiser workshop. 

Oh yeah, one other perk — IT’s FREE! Water Wiser classes begin in May and run throughout the summer. You can get the full schedule here.

Is it Time To Renew Your Water Wiser Designation?

If you’ve been in Castle Rock for a while and you took the Water Wiser class more than five years ago, you need to take a renewal class to renew your designation. It’s an online class that will give updates on equipment and conservation standards. 

Let’s all do our part to conserve water during our dry summers and keep our yards looking great this summer. You can learn more about water conservation in Castle Rock here