Parenting Classes at The Taft House

How She MomsAs a parent, you can’t help but wonder, “am I doing this, right?” It’s natural, and it’s natural to talk about raising kids with other parents. After all, your kids are your life. If you’re looking for advice and guidance, check out Parenting Classes from one of our Meadows neighbors, mom of five, expert podcaster and blogger on parenting, Whitney Archibald. Classes will be throughout the winter and spring at the Taft House. 

Whitney is the podcast host and blogger of “How She Moms.” She offers her expert view on everything parenting. She’s taking her podcast to other Meadows residents this winter and spring at The Taft House. Each Parenting Class will go in-depth on topics such as meal planning, connecting with your kids, and how to create a family routine. Whitney will share tips that she’s learned from raising her five kids as well as extensive research, and by talking to other moms. 

Class Information:

Meal Planning

Date: Monday, January 27

Time: 6:00 – 8:00 pm 

Where: Taft House 

Cost: $35 for Meadows Residents/$40 Non-Residents 

Age: 18 or older 

Registration: You must register by Monday, January 20

Connecting With Your Kids 

Date: Monday, February 24

Time: 6:00 – 8:00 pm

Where: Taft House 

Cost: $35 for Meadows Residents/$40 Non-Residents

Age: 18 or older 

Registration: You must register by Monday, February 17

How to Create Family Routines


Date: Monday, March 30

Time: 6:00 – 8:00 pm

Where: Taft House 

Cost: $35 for Meadows Residents/$40 Non-Residents

Age: 18 or older 

Registration: You must register by Monday, March 23

Take advantage of these classes to help you in your home. For more information about Whitney, you can check out her blog and podcast, How She Moms. These classes will fill up fast, so register for your parenting classes here.