3 Tips To Avoid Holiday Stress

The Most Wonderful, Stressful Time of Year

The holidays are the greatest time of the year; I believe there are several songs about this. We love getting together with friends and family, seeing the kids excited, and it all brings undeniable smiles to our faces. However, underneath those smiles could be a lot of stress throughout the season. Hectic schedules and pressure to make the season perfect is tough. These three holiday tips may help you manage your holiday stress.

1. Set a Budget

One of the biggest stresses of the holidays is trying to afford it all. You want everyone to have the “perfect” holiday, but sometimes that can get pricey. The experts say to set a budget and stick to it. Knowing how much you have to spend and sticking to it will ease holiday stress and make the most of what you can afford.

2. Don’t Overcommit Yourself

It’s easy to say yes to every invite during the holidays. Try not to over commit to parties and family functions. Balance your personal time with family time. Rather than staying at a holiday party all night, drop in for a few hours. Remember to schedule in a little personal time to relax and recharge

3. Don’t Let Family Tension Get To You

When families get together for extended periods of time, there’s always the opportunity for tension. Whether it is something that happened in the past or someone has a few too many drinks and says something controversial – or the hot topic this year – politics comes up, try not to let it get under your skin. If it does, take a break and step away.

Don’t let the busyness of the season get to you. If you need a break, get out and enjoy the many activities that The Meadows and the town of Castle Rock have to offer. I hope these holiday stress tips help you have a relaxed and less stressful holiday season.

Photo by Inga Seliverstova: